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Airline Bewertung Lufthansa Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  4.30
Check In 5.00
Lounge 1.00
Boarding 5.00
Gepäck 5.00
Pünktlichkeit 10.00
In der Luft  2.76
Sitzkomfort 2.00
Unterhaltung 2.00
Sauberkeit 5.00
Service 2.00
Speisen 5.00
Getränke 5.00
Toiletten 2.00
Extras 4.00
Sonstiges  7.00
Preis/Leistung 4.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 10.00

LH economy on the old 747`s -to be avoided at all cost  -  Economy Class

Lufthansa Economy Class Flugbewertung von ChickenorBeef wurde 1291 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Lufthansa Singapore Frankfurt 03.2011 Economy Class 779 747-400

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 5 OK, was there very early, Early Check In was already open 
Lounge 1 LH offers the lounge only to Star Gold and Business Class passengers, as a Star Silver you end up eating at Subway...
Boarding 5 Nothing special, started on time
Gepäck 5 Got delivered on time
Pünktlichkeit 10 Arrived 10 minutes early

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 2 Very, very, very tight seat pitch. When something fell out of my purse, I could not reach for it, because I could not move even a bit due to the fact, that the backrest of the person sitting in front of me was so close. 
Unterhaltung 2 Should be avoided at all cost. The Boeing 747-400, build in 1997 had (as most of LH`s 747) no InSeat Entertainment, just an Overhead monitor. When the first film was starting, the flight attendants obviously forgot to show the World Shop commercials first, so without a warning, after about 15 minutes into the movie, they just stopped it and showed the commercials before starzting it again, Really unprofessional...
Sauberkeit 5 Cabin was OK
Service 2 Far below expectations...
Normally, theres a round of aperitives served before dinner... Usually, cause on this flight, they just pushed the meal trolley (beef or chicken) through the cabin first, then the "normal" drinks trolley and just put the Baileys and other liqour in the galley for passengers to take. The only problem was, that I couldnt get there, cause the 2 guys sitting next to me (had a window seat on a 3-4-3 configuration) fell asleep as soon as the plane took off and could not be woken up. Thats why after hours into the flight I needed to use the washroom and I called the flight attendant to help me wake them up (kinda lame I know, but I really saw no other choice). The flight attendant looked at me with a cold look but agreed to help me wake them up. In the meantime, I spilled the water all over my seat, the blanket and my trouser because the seat pitch was so narrow. She did not even think about offering to help me clean it up or to give me at least another blanket.
Speisen 5 Chicken or beef... I chose the beef, which was O.K., breakfast was the usual LH omelette
Getränke 5 OK
Toiletten 2 Very dirty
Extras 4 Cushion and blanket only

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 4 Next time I will fly Singapore Airlines, they offer way better value for money 
10 Felt always safe

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Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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