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Airline Bewertung Lufthansa Business Class Flug

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Am Boden  9.30
Check In 10.00
Lounge 9.00
Boarding 10.00
Gepäck 8.00
Pünktlichkeit 10.00
In der Luft  8.67
Sitzkomfort 8.00
Unterhaltung 7.00
Sauberkeit 10.00
Service 10.00
Speisen 9.00
Getränke 9.00
Toiletten 10.00
Extras 9.00
Sonstiges  7.50
Preis/Leistung -
Sicherheitsempfinden 10.00

MÜNCHEN nach CHARLOTTE  -  Business Class

Lufthansa Business Class Flugbewertung von HEH280203 wurde 2519 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Lufthansa München Charlotte 04.2009 Business Class LH 428 Airbus 330-300 11K

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 10 Had a connecting flight from Frankfurt with different booking references but everything was handled by the extremely friendly agent.  
Lounge 9 Experienced two lounges due to my connecting flight from Frankfurt.\r\nFrankfurt: Business Lounge above Gate A56 is the newest one and extremely cool in design. Very friendly staff and the best view of the runway you can imagine. Great experience!\r\nMunich: International Business Lounge is quiet nice, very large, but no view. Very nice shower rooms.
Boarding 10 Arrived right in time when C-Guests were asked to board. No waiting time. Very friendly welcome aboard.
Gepäck 8 Luggage was already waiting as customs in the US took some time with long waiting lines.
Pünktlichkeit 10 Arrived a little bit prior to scheduled arrival time.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 8 Really nice seats, spacious and comfortable for long flights. Unfortunately no lie-flat bed. 
Unterhaltung 7 Entertainment on demand, but not quiet as a large selcetion as on other airlines.
Sauberkeit 10 Extremely clean cabin from boarding to departure. Toilets have been cleaned several times during flight.
Service 10 Very personal service. Even my name was used all the time. Normal in F, but very unusual in C.
Speisen 9 Really great food. LH Guest Star Chef Luisa Valazza created a very nice menu. As I was the last person asked for appetizer, my preferred selection was not available. The flight attendent apologized several times and asked my from than on first before the others. Presentation and taste was great. Unfortunately still no heated bread available at LH.
Getränke 9 Good German wines. Elsehow more the standard selection of drinks. Nice digestifs.
Toiletten 10 Extremely clean, amenities always available, flower as usual and with a window.
Extras 9 I like the LH amenity kits. They include everything you need and lotions etc smell very nice and not as strong as others, i.e. Arabian or Asian airlines.

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung - Used M&M Miles to book. 
10 Felt very safe - as usual onboard LH.

vorne-sitzen.de bietet Ihnen neben Top Angeboten noch mehr Informationen zu Sitz Konfigurationen wie
Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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