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Airline Bewertung Lufthansa First Class Flug

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Am Boden  5.95
Check In 3.00
Lounge 8.00
Boarding 10.00
Gepäck 5.00
Pünktlichkeit 3.00
In der Luft  4.61
Sitzkomfort 5.00
Unterhaltung 2.00
Sauberkeit 5.00
Service 7.00
Speisen 3.00
Getränke 5.00
Toiletten 3.00
Extras 3.00
Sonstiges  9.00
Preis/Leistung 10.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 8.00

Frankfurt to Bangkok  -  First Class

Lufthansa First Class Flugbewertung von SYDflyer wurde 4105 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Lufthansa Frankfurt Bangkok 07.2012 First Class LH782 747 82C

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 3 Problems at check-in due to FF ticket rebooking. Could have been handled better 
Lounge 8 FCT still good - minor changes all indicating cost cutting measures.\\r\\nStill the limo pick-up form incoming flight from STR but transfer to plane in mini bus
Boarding 10 due to bus transfer no waiting at all
Gepäck 5 will found out tomorrow when I land in SYD
Pünktlichkeit 3 Lucky to get away - problems with radio equipment which would have led to F passengers having to vacate F class and be seated in C class.\\r\\n\\r\\nNever ever had that one before - but luckily got fixed and managed to fly out before night curfew.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 5 Old F class yet again - looks like FRA-BKK remains one of the \\\'unloved\\\' routes in LH network.\\r\\nStill quite comfy with having 2 seats (1 converted to bed) - but if I had paid for the ticket would not have been amused ! 
Unterhaltung 2 Minuscule screen ((9\\\') - so not on for any F class product.\\r\\nSame old headphones.\\r\\nSelection ok - but a long time since LH gave passengers first release or close to it movies.
Sauberkeit 5 Alright - but do not find it acceptable to see rubbish being left on the floor.
Service 7 Friendly crew and attentative
Speisen 3 Bizarre menu - guess we are trying to be \\\'hip\\\' \\r\\nBut quality is going out the window - servings becoming more stingy and really no longer happy.\\r\\nNot even serving muesli anymore - you can feed the cornflakes to the kids but not F pax
Getränke 5 alright - but few wines taste well in altitude and champagne just ok
Toiletten 3 Tiny old 747 rest rooms - all the little extras have gone bar towelettes and razors, not even a basic hand cream
Extras 3 Awful Bogner kit with really nothing in it - why bother ?\\r\\nVan Laack pj\\\'s - and not my favourite version either

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 10 FF ticket (with difficulties !!!!) so can\\\'t complain.\\r\\nBut F tickets harder to get - makes you wonder if its worth accumulating with LH 
8 Usually feel very safe with LH - but having 2 LH flights with tech issues in a row makes you wonder if the cost cutting is taking an effect like QF ?

vorne-sitzen.de bietet Ihnen neben Top Angeboten noch mehr Informationen zu Sitz Konfigurationen wie
Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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R.I.P. Der König der Genussflieger MAUSTRAVEL hat Ende Dezember 2020 viel zu früh seine letzte Reise angetreten - First Class





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