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Airline Bewertung Lufthansa Business Class Flug

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Am Boden  7.90
Check In 10.00
Lounge 7.00
Boarding 8.00
Gepäck 8.00
Pünktlichkeit 5.00
In der Luft  4.96
Sitzkomfort 5.00
Unterhaltung 4.00
Sauberkeit 3.00
Service 5.00
Speisen 5.00
Getränke 6.00
Toiletten 7.00
Extras 5.00
Sonstiges  7.50
Preis/Leistung 6.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 9.00

Flugbewertungen im Detail für Sitzkomfort

 Hinweise, Erläuterung von nach Datum Flugnr. Note Member views
Lufthansa\r\nBusiness seating on this flight from Atlanta to Frankfurt was very poor. The seats, covers and surroundings were dirty. One of the passengers complained to the crew and the head purser told him " that he had no time for this". Surely it is not the fault of the cabin crew that the\r\ncleaning team did not their job however it is the crews job to do a quality check. The in flight entertainment offered a limited choice with a lot of old nmovies. Food, amenities and service were poor if you compare it to other\r\nbusiness classes on other airlines. By moments it looked on economy only the leg space seemed to be the difference. I have never seen salt and pepper in a paper bag and dirty cutlery in business.would not recommend to fly Lufthansa on business class for the flights to the US Atlanta (ATL) Frankfurt  (FRA) 05.2014 LH445 5.00 adnila 1592

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