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Airline Bewertung British Airways Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  6.85
Check In 9.00
Lounge 8.00
Boarding 8.00
Gepäck 1.00
Pünktlichkeit 8.00
In der Luft  5.52
Sitzkomfort 6.00
Unterhaltung 6.00
Sauberkeit 9.00
Service 1.00
Speisen 9.00
Getränke 9.00
Toiletten 5.00
Extras -
Sonstiges  5.00
Preis/Leistung 1.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 9.00

Flugbewertungen im Detail für Gepäck

 Hinweise, Erläuterung von nach Datum Flugnr. Note Member views
My wife and I are living in Belgium now, but over the Christmas holidays we travelled back to the U.S. to visit our families and friends. Then on January 1st we took American Airlines flight 3207 out of Lubbock, Texas. This flight was delayed almost 2 hours, meaning we were going to miss our connection in Dallas. Our final destination was Paris, France, where we had already purchased train tickets from the airport back to our home in Gent, Belgium. We gave ourselves 6 hours from flight arrival time to train departure, but still we would have missed our train, which meant we would have to purchase new train tickets (at about 120 euros each). After finally being transferred to an AA supervisor, we were rerouted from Dallas to London (AA 78) and then to Brussels (BA 402). Upon arrival in Brussels, our 3 checked bags were nowhere to be seen. Immediately, we filed a report with the baggage services in the Brussels airport, who assured us our bags would arrive soon and be delivered to our house. \r\n\r\nThat was 17 days ago. Since then we have called both British Airways and American Airlines and the Brussels airport baggage service many times. Each time no one has had any information to give us about where these bags could be. They don’t know where they were lost, how they were lost, or when they might suddenly reappear. We have now filed a claim for lost luggage, but again we haven’t heard anything about this either.\r\n\r\nMy wife lost basically her entire wardrobe because she had been on a cruise with her family in Hawaii as well as spent a week in Colorado, so her summer and winter wardrobes are now both gone. We had to go to a wedding so our formal attire was included as well, along with several Christmas presents received from our families. Now back in Belgium, my wife has no winter clothes or coat, and because we work for a non-profit ministry here we don’t have the money to go out and buy her a whole new wardrobe. I know the holidays are an extremely busy time for airlines and I could understand having some mishaps, but it’s frustrating that after 15 days we know exactly as much as when we started this process. How could all 3 of our bags simply disappear? \r\n\r\nNot only that, but the customer service we’ve received when calling the numbers provided by the airlines has been pitiful. First of all, the main number we were given is for a call center in Thailand and none of the numerous employees we’ve talked to speak adequate English. I can barely understand them, and apparently they can’t understand me either because after describing the external features of our bags I checked our file online only to find they had written the description wrong. Supposedly, I should be able to go online at www.infopir.net and edit the description and contents myself, but when I click on the bag I want to edit, all I get is a blank page. I feel like British Airways is intentionally making this difficult for customers so they don’t have to take responsibility for losing people’s property.\r\n Lubbock (LBB) Brussels  (BRU) 01.2013 402 1.00 lostbagse... 1209

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