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Airline Bewertung Emirates Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  7.49
Check In 8.33
Lounge 5.44
Boarding 8.11
Gepäck 8.22
Pünktlichkeit 9.11
In der Luft  7.84
Sitzkomfort 7.67
Unterhaltung 9.11
Sauberkeit 8.00
Service 7.67
Speisen 7.44
Getränke 8.44
Toiletten 7.67
Extras 6.67
Sonstiges  9.06
Preis/Leistung 8.78
Sicherheitsempfinden 9.33

Flugbewertungen im Detail für Boarding

 Hinweise, Erläuterung von nach Datum Flugnr. Note Member views
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 04.2018 EK 377 9.00 joredue 1970
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 02.2015 EK0375 7.00 MichaelBerg 2141
2) Discrimination - Seat change during transit at Sydney\r\nWe had to go through Sydney for transit for another 2.30 hours flight to Christchurch. Since it was a short flight, we didn’t mind changing to front row seats. However we were very surprised when we arrive at the gate at the boarding time, Emirates staff informed us they needed to split our seats i.e. my seat and my husband’s seat would be 2 rows apart. The reasons given were our seats were allocated to a family travelling with small children. \r\nWe were quite upset after the troubles we had from BKK to Sydney and then our seats were separated. We complained to the staff and asked for seats back together. Emirates staff, supervisor level, name Conner, talked to us with ignorant expression saying the airline has all the rights to change passenger seats without informing and that the airline has policy for family travelling with children. We told him we could not understand why the airline would give priority to family travelling with children over a pregnant lady. The plane was Airbus 330 and we couldn’t believe they had no other option to manage the seats than splitting seats of a 26-week pregnant lady from her husband. Not only that Connor did not seem to care, he said the airline might not be able to fix this for us and asked us “Would you fly if we couldn’t fix this for you?” Doesn’t that sound like a threat, otherwise way too much challenging complaining customers. Of course we were very angry and our voices got louder. Connor stopped talking to us and said to us impolitely that he wouldn’t talk to us and that he wouldn’t have time to try fixing this for us if we kept complaining. I stood there with my husband throughout those 15+ minutes. Finally, they got new seats for us on row 49 together. Our problem wouldn’t have been fixed if we didn’t insist and we had to experience extremely impolite way Emirates staff was dealing with us. \r\nWe discovered later that the seats we got were from the staff changing another Thai couple’s seat travelling with the same travel agent from BKK. The couple’s seats were separated as well and they had to ask to switch with other passengers on the plane. There couldn’t be more than 30 Thai passengers on the plane, and yet we were the ones chosen, could this be a coincidence? This sounds very much discriminating to us. \r\nAnother interesting thing we discovered was our seats were given to a Caucasian family of four with teenagers, not small children like we were informed. We saw a few other families with teenagers occupying 3-4 seats together on the plane. So this is how Emirates policy to satisfy family with children was implemented by your staff? Or is it just because they were Caucasian, they easily got their request (by asking airline staff to compromise other customer) while us Asians were chosen to be treated inferior like that. Probably they thought we would not complain or probably they just did not care? \r\nThis is truly disappointed. We heard about Emirates’ good reputation and we were under that impression before we started experiencing your service. We didn’t expect anything more than just simple service upon request, respect to customers equally and definitely fair treatment to all customers no matter where they come from. It could be a matter of individual staff’s poor performance, as we certainly hope this is not a normal standard for Emirates airline. We sincerely believe this kind of poor performance, especially the discrimination during Sydney transit, should not be tolerated. Bangkok (BKK) Christchurch  (CHC) 12.2013 EK418 3.00 jovialjern 3957
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 05.2013 EK375 9.00 joredue 3079
Zügig. Freundlich und mit Namen begrüßt an Bord. Typisch Emirates. Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 12.2009 EK419 8.00 gr.traveller 2406
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 11.2009 373 8.00 ollivonje... 2454
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 11.2008 EK385 9.00 christina... 1973
Sehr freundlich und nette Begrüßung Bangkok (BKK) Hong Kong  (HKG) 03.2008 EK 384 8.00 thaiwol 2644
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 01.2008 EK385 9.00 kannschon... 2440
Zügig. Freundlich begrüßt an Bord. Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 12.2007 EK 385 8.00 gr.traveller 2187
pre-boarding mit Kindern Bangkok (BKK) Hong Kong  (HKG) 12.2006 EK384 8.00 flight35 2535
Bangkok (BKK) Dubai  (DXB) 02.2002 EK387 6.00 Gelegenhe... 2297

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