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Airline Bewertung Copa Airlines Business Class Flug

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Am Boden  5.63
Check In 5.71
Lounge 4.57
Boarding 5.43
Gepäck 5.86
Pünktlichkeit 8.43
In der Luft  5.81
Sitzkomfort 6.00
Unterhaltung 5.00
Sauberkeit 6.71
Service 5.86
Speisen 6.14
Getränke 5.86
Toiletten 5.00
Extras 5.71
Sonstiges  6.57
Preis/Leistung 6.43
Sicherheitsempfinden 6.71

Flugbewertungen im Detail für Boarding

 Hinweise, Erläuterung von nach Datum Flugnr. Note Member views
Ohne Probleme, kubanischen Verhältnissen angepasst langsam Havana (HAV) Panama city  (PTY) 09.2022 CM321 9.00 Beda 339
UNRESPECTFULL!!\r\nI was trying to fly with Copa today night. It was like 1.30 AM when I entered the plane, flying in Business Class. I was very tired and wanted to sleep. The stewardess came by and offered juice drinks. I asked for a glass of champagne or a beer, helping me to fall into sleep. She ignored my request. After 5 minutes I called her again asking for a drink. She went away and didnt come back. At a third time I was a bit angry yet. I told her to bring me a drink right now. She told me something about security rules what I did not understand very well. 5 Minutes later I was calling her again. But this time when she came, she came with 2 security guys which were taking me out of the plane!!! I lost the flight!!\r\nHer name is Virginia Delgado.\r\nNo more comments.\r\n Montevideo (MVD) Panama city  (PAM) 04.2013 CM284 1.00 Klinko 919
Panama city (PTY) Newark  (EWR) 02.2013 UA1022 3.00 morephotos49 1122
Boarding okay, Begrüßung an Bord durch Kopfnicken Newark (EWR) Panama city  (PTY) 02.2013 UA1021 5.00 morephotos49 913
Port-of-sp.. (POS) Panama city  (PTY) 05.2012 CM274 9.00 edelschra... 1160
Chaotisches Boarding, Begrüßung an Bord dann wieder freundlich, nettes Personal San andres.. (ADZ) Panama city  (PTY) 02.2011 CM 203 2.00 lilaasellus 1455
Priorityboarding Panama city (PTY) Montevideo  (MVD) 02.2011 CM 203 9.00 lilaasellus 1260

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