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Airline Bewertung Ryanair Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  1.20
Check In 1.00
Lounge 1.00
Boarding 1.00
Gepäck 1.00
Pünktlichkeit 3.00
In der Luft  1.15
Sitzkomfort 1.00
Unterhaltung 1.00
Sauberkeit 2.00
Service 1.00
Speisen 2.00
Getränke 1.00
Toiletten 1.00
Extras 1.00
Sonstiges  1.00
Preis/Leistung 1.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 1.00

I\'ll never set foot on a Ryanair flight again in my life, and neither should you or anyone whose dignity and safety you care about.  -  Economy Class

Ryanair Economy Class Flugbewertung von RogInVA wurde 1826 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Ryanair Dublin Edinburgh 06.2013 Economy Class FR818

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 1 Customers are forced to jostle / stand in a crowded, unpleasant line for an hour or more before their incoming flight even arrives at the airport. 
Lounge 1 There is no lounge. There is an overcrowded, dirty, inadequate area where some small number of customers can sit -- and subsequently lose their place in line. In many cases, queuing takes place in stairways or walkways, sometimes exposed to weather. There are no amenities or facilities whatsoever.
Boarding 1 Waiting time to board is excessive. Passengers are treated like livestock. Most flight attendants don\'t speak the language of the country they operate in.
Gepäck 1 Baggage charges are very high -- excessive, in fact. Penalties for overweight baggage are extortionist. Ryanair does measure the weight of carry-on such as backpacks, purses, and briefcases, so be prepared to get slapped with extra fees for carry-on items if they\'re too heavy.
Pünktlichkeit 3 Incoming flights are often delayed, but Ryanair boards and takes-off so quickly that planes usually arrive on time.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 1 Non-reclining seats, uncomfortably cushioned, no seat-back pocket in front, little privacy. Seat width is narrow and every possible surface is plastered with adverts for products sold in-flight by Ryanair. 
Unterhaltung 1 Nonexistent. Attendants distribute a book to advertise the products they\'re selling, but then collect it back up again toward the end of the flight.
Sauberkeit 2 Because there\'s little cabin service, there\'s a fair amount of miscellaneous rubbish when you board. Because there\'s no where to put it, it\'ll stay there during your entire flight.
Service 1 Attendants are understaffed, usually don\'t speak the language of the countries they\'re traveling in, and in a hurry to finish what little they can do.
Speisen 2 Food is hurriedly presented, not very high quality, but it is reasonably priced.
Getränke 1 Warm beer (175 ml bottle, as I recall). Warm soda in small cans. No ice. Limited selection. Lots of things not in stock.
Toiletten 1 uncomfortable. Locked off much of the time.
Extras 1 NONE. Such things do not exist on Ryanair.

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 1 By the time I paid all the hidden fees and penalties assessed by Ryanair, I could have booked a flight on British Air or Aer Lingus for significantly less. Ryanair is a SCAM airline that works very hard to maximize profit at the expense of customer service, politeness, and thoughtfulness. I ended up paying well over $1500 for four round-trip tickets between Dublin and Edinburgh, once all the penalties and fees were paid. Had I not been traveling with my granddaughter and niece, I would have told Ryanair to to to hell and used my time differently. 
1 Okay, except for two things. First, these are obviously very old airplanes and they receive minimal pre-flight maintenance checks and routine maintenance. Second, both landings with Ryanair were VERY rough -- a sharp, bone-jarring touchdown, followed by several seconds of violent wobbling / back and forth oscillation that seemed to concern many passengers.

vorne-sitzen.de bietet Ihnen neben Top Angeboten noch mehr Informationen zu Sitz Konfigurationen wie
Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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