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Airline Bewertung Etihad Airways Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  4.40
Check In -
Lounge 5.00
Boarding -
Gepäck 2.00
Pünktlichkeit -
In der Luft  8.70
Sitzkomfort 10.00
Unterhaltung 10.00
Sauberkeit 10.00
Service 5.00
Speisen 10.00
Getränke 10.00
Toiletten 5.00
Extras 9.00
Sonstiges  6.50
Preis/Leistung 3.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 10.00

Brussels to Nairobi  -  Economy Class

Etihad Airways Economy Class Flugbewertung von RiNique wurde 1549 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Etihad Airways Brussels Nairobi 12.2013 Economy Class EY057

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In - we were offered money to stay in Brussels because of overbooking 
Lounge 5 no idea
Boarding -
Gepäck 2 we waited for more than 1 hour to receive our luggage
Pünktlichkeit - both legs had delays

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 10  
Unterhaltung 10
Sauberkeit 10
Service 5 on board OK\r\non ground inadequate
Speisen 10
Getränke 10
Toiletten 5
Extras 9

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 3 Etihad never again\r\nI booked my flight on 09th of September to fly 16th of December. My friend Sjoer booked on 11th.\r\nFriends of mine decided to join me, so in total I was the direct cause of 5 people booking tickets.\r\n\r\nCheck in Brussels airport :\r\nFlight overbooked. Not sure whether all of us can fly. My friend might have to stay behind, he was offered a compensation of 400 €uro. But logisticallly for our arrangements in Kenya, for us this was no option.\r\nMy other friend, SJOER, was allowed to fly with us to Abu Dabi. Check in said, upon arrival, she would receive her boarding pass to Nairobi. \r\nAfter a very comfortable flight and a perfect touch down, we passed by the Etihad desk at our arrival gate. They send us upstairs to Etihad ‘office’. There was a cue of 25 meters there !!!! So we arrive from Brussels, to be standing in a cue, because of an Etihad problem with giving issuing a boarding pass ? I had expected to receive it upon disembarking from the plane.\r\nNot to go and stand in a cue of 25 meters. I wanted to walk around and discover the airport, not stand in line for something which was NOT our own mistake ? SO I discuss this with one of the Etihad people walking around trying to answer questions from ‘guests’. He went to check our gate for our connecting flight, which was 53 (not 21 as my boarding pass said) and advised us to go there and ask them for a boarding pass.\r\n\r\nThan, we came to an area which had a cue of at least 200 people. Really ? you expect us to stand in this line again ? So I passed the cue and talked gain to one of Etihad’s people and he told me to go upstairs to another desk.\r\nFortunately, at this desk, there was a normal and competent person, who gave us the boarding pass within 30 seconds. BUT it took us 1 hour to make it this far.\r\nThis is absolutely beyond ANY experience I had ever before.\r\n\r\nI paid near to 700 €uro. 

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