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Airline Bewertung Air Canada First Class Flug

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Am Boden  9.00
Check In 9.00
Lounge 9.00
Boarding 9.00
Gepäck 9.00
Pünktlichkeit 9.00
In der Luft  7.63
Sitzkomfort 6.00
Unterhaltung 8.00
Sauberkeit 8.00
Service 9.00
Speisen 8.00
Getränke 9.00
Toiletten 8.00
Extras 9.00
Sonstiges  7.00
Preis/Leistung 6.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 8.00

Ottawa to London Tight seat but compensated buy good service  -  First Class

Air Canada First Class Flugbewertung von ckk_li wurde 1424 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Air Canada Ottawa London 12.2012 First Class 888 763 1A

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 9 Check in went smoothly. There was no line up. Gave the agent my booking number and passport. It was completed within five minutes.  
Lounge 9 The lounge was nice and quiet. There weren\'t too many people, perhaps it was a late flight. However, there weren\'t too many selection of food. The choice of drinks was good though. The location of the Maple Leaf lounge was well located. It was close to the gate.
Boarding 9 Boarding process was quick. Again no waiting in line. Once on board, I was greeted by the flight attendant. Once settled down, the choice of drinks was offered.
Gepäck 9 No complaint!
Pünktlichkeit 9 Quite punctual. We left on time and we arrived on time in London.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 6 The seat was tight and I am not a big guy. It was not that comfortable even when the seat was completed lied-flat. It was seat was a few inch wider and where the foot rest could also be wider, it would be a lot more comfortable. The quality of the material could also be approved. However, privacy was not an issue. The A row has plenty of privacy.  
Unterhaltung 8 There were enough movies, choice of music and games to choose from.
Sauberkeit 8 Not sure if the other seats were cleaner than my seat because my seat and the remote were not that clean. I had to clean them with the hot towel.
Service 9 The service that I got was nice. Even though many airlines in America and North America are not strong in the service category comparing to other Airlines. On this flight, the flight attendant was kind and courteous. I find that over the years Air Canada has shown improvement. I still remembered one time I got yelled by a flight attendant of Air Canada by just asking her a simple question. She was the worst one I had ever encountered. Anyway, I think she had already retired.
Speisen 8 Very good! From the appetizer to the desert were excellent.
Getränke 9 Excellent. Many choices.
Toiletten 8 Bathroom was clean, Does not smell badly. The kit that I received had everything that I needed.
Extras 9

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 6 The fuel surcharge is ridiculously over charged. Air Canada must probably has the highest charge among all other airlines.  
8 I felt safe. If there was a crash, I will be dead after the pilots.

Flugbewertung Bilder



Main course

Nice lounge!!!

Nice lounge!!!


Cabin in the BusinessFirst class.

Cabin in the BusinessFirst class.



Fruit plate






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Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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