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Airline Bewertung Delta Air Lines First Class Flug

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Am Boden  5.00
Check In 9.00
Lounge 3.00
Boarding 7.00
Gepäck 1.00
Pünktlichkeit 6.00
In der Luft  6.90
Sitzkomfort 7.00
Unterhaltung -
Sauberkeit 5.00
Service 9.00
Speisen 8.00
Getränke 5.00
Toiletten 5.00
Extras 5.00
Sonstiges  8.00
Preis/Leistung 8.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 8.00

Good service but lunch wasn\'t worth the miles  -  First Class

Delta Air Lines First Class Flugbewertung von russg4willard wurde 2382 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Delta Air Lines Fort lauderdale New York 12.2012 First Class 1319 MD88 2A

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 9 The check in agent was very friendly and efficient. Our bags were slightly over the 50lb. limit but she made no issue of it. She didn\'t tell us where the lounge was nor that we would have to pay once we got there. 
Lounge 3 The FLL Sky Club is very small and accommodates about 100 people. We were there on a day that 7 cruise ships were in port and the lounge was 90% full by the time we arrived 3 hours before our departure time. Bloody Mary was premixed. Only \'snacks\' offered after 11:00 a.m. so we had to go into the Terminal for lunch, but were told we were not allowed to bring it back into the lounge. So the message is \'we won\'t provide a meal, but if you go and get one don\'t bring it in here.\'
Boarding 7 The flight was late arriving, so the boarding was rushed. We were standing on the jetway for 10 minutes waiting as people in front of us took their time stowing their luggage.
Gepäck 1 The \'priority\' baggage delivery for first class was non-existent. Our bags arrived at the same time everyone\'s did. No sooner. Why they even bother putting the special stickers on the luggage tag is a mystery.
Pünktlichkeit 6 The flight was 2 hours late inbound, but we were only 1 hour late in our arrival to JFK.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 7 Plenty of seat space. The in-armrest tray table was very unsteady. When trying to cut the food it flipped about. 
Unterhaltung - No entertainment of any sort was provided on this 3 hour flight.
Sauberkeit 5 The cabin was clean, but there was a cabinet in the lavatory that wouldn\'t close properly so you had to hold it closed with your foot.
Service 9 Very friendly and attentive flight attendant.
Speisen 8 Two options were offered: sandwich (no description offered) and chicken salad (which turned out was a salad with a sliced chicken breast on top). A hot soup (again no description) was included and was warm - we think it was potato. Packaged breadsticks and brownie rounded out the meal.
Getränke 5 No preflight beverage was offered. Once airborne a drink was provided and then not until after lunch was a refill offered.
Toiletten 5 See comment above. Standard lavatory.
Extras 5 Pillow and blanket provided on the seat when boarding. Since the flight was supposed to leave at 12:30 p.m. I don\'t know why I would need either. They actually got in my way.

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 8 The price paid was fine. 12,500 miles were used to upgrade and it was not worth it.  
8 The captain did a great job of keeping everyone informed and used the word safety repeatedly.

vorne-sitzen.de bietet Ihnen neben Top Angeboten noch mehr Informationen zu Sitz Konfigurationen wie
Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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