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Airline Bewertung Emirates Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  4.25
Check In 2.00
Lounge -
Boarding 5.00
Gepäck 5.00
Pünktlichkeit 5.00
In der Luft  5.12
Sitzkomfort 7.00
Unterhaltung 7.00
Sauberkeit 5.00
Service 1.00
Speisen 5.00
Getränke 5.00
Toiletten 5.00
Extras 5.00
Sonstiges  3.50
Preis/Leistung 2.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 5.00

Bombay to San Francisco  -  Economy Class

Emirates Economy Class Flugbewertung von dspatli wurde 2208 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Emirates Bombay San Francisco 04.2012 Economy Class EK226

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 2  
Lounge - we had a stop over at Dubai for 8hrs only because the emirates booking agent offered free hotel accomodation all arranged for at the layover. we chose this option over regular 2-3 hr layover to get some rest. in Dubai it was a nightmare \\\'literally\\\'. First we did not know where or how to get the hotel voucher. After doing security again and entering the airport from gates, we see the first information kiosk. they advise to goto arrivals lobby which is outside security area to get the vouchers. I go there leaving my wife beyond to rest in the seating area. again at arrivals there is no indication where to pick up vouchers. I ask around 3-4 times until I get there. and the person on the desk, uninterested and hostile says, you dont have a reservation. ??. it came with the ticket isn\\\'t it?. he said no. you have reserve it seperately after you book the ticket by calling some number. that was the first time I heard this. Now I am at the ariport middle of the night for no reason with my wife stranded for 8hrs. I go to emirates helpdesk asking for a explaination, the guy on the counter instead of being courteous or having any sort of empathy, says, you do not have reservation, cant do anything. and moves to next customer. Even if I was lucky enough to have heard the elaborate instructions to get a hotel, the procedure to get to it is pain in a**. you have to go get a transfer visa, then immigration, customs, taxi and then hotel. you better be quick as you have to do all these and get back for your flight...all this in the layover time. Dubai airport might have got all the technical and architectural advancement, but the customer orientation is very very poor. To make matters worse, the flight attendants from Dubai to SFO did not hesitate to frown whenever we asked for a cup of water. I requested vegetarian meal, but they forgot. Glad they had options in dinner menu, but the attendant accidently gave non-veg. when corrected him, he is like, can you put back the foil, seal it and give it back?. I was expecting a sorry, not an order fix the wrong food you delivered. Never stepping on this route or flight again.
Boarding 5
Gepäck 5
Pünktlichkeit 5

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 7  
Unterhaltung 7
Sauberkeit 5
Service 1
Speisen 5
Getränke 5
Toiletten 5
Extras 5

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 2  

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