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Airline Bewertung Emirates Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  4.00
Check In -
Lounge 3.00
Boarding -
Gepäck -
Pünktlichkeit 1.00
In der Luft  3.01
Sitzkomfort 3.00
Unterhaltung -
Sauberkeit 2.00
Service 2.00
Speisen 2.00
Getränke 2.00
Toiletten -
Extras -
Sonstiges  2.00
Preis/Leistung 2.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 2.00

Cairo to Dubai  -  Economy Class

Emirates Economy Class Flugbewertung von DMG wurde 2117 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Emirates Cairo Dubai 05.2011 Economy Class EK924

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In -  
Lounge 3
Boarding -
Gepäck - The worst airlines ever. No respect for customers.
Those people need to understand that customer service is more important than cabin luxury.

I have booked a ticket for my mother to come and visit me at the UAE few months ago. She lost her bag in Dubai airport upon arrival. Next day Mrs (X) from Emirates Airlines called and sent us the bag where we were. We received the bag in an awful condition the zip was purposely broken and the contents were scattered and went through.

We filed a complaint to Customers affairs (Mr Y) in order to compensate us for damages. Customer affairs (Mr Y) asked us about the estimated value of damages so we declared that the damages worth about 150 USD . Few days later Mr (Y) sent me an email saying that they will refund only 50% of the estimated value !!!!!!
A very cheap bargaining method that I didn't accept and for sure I will never trust this company with my baggage. I refused this deceptive method and told them so in an email; they didn't reply to my email till this date (this happened like two months ago) !!!!!
Then the scandal continued on the return flight as they did not allow my mother to take the checked baggage weight indicated on her ticket!!! They boldly said that the number of pieces (and therefore allowed weight) indicated on her ticket was a MISTAKE, and instead of compensating her for their OWN MISTAKE they left it to her to deal with what they considered as "extra baggage" in the middle of Dubai airport.
You speak with the customer affairs, they are useless.
You speak to their head office they keep turning you in circles until you are tired.
You seek for explanation; they blame you to get away with it.
I prefer to travel with an airline that gives a bit of consideration to its clients rather than with inconsiderate airline that is keen on showing how luxurious the interior is without paying attention to those who sit on it.
This airline is not trustworthy.
All documents that prove my story are available but those people don't seem to care less !!!!
Pünktlichkeit 1

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 3  
Unterhaltung - Boring
Sauberkeit 2
Service 2
Speisen 2
Getränke 2
Toiletten -
Extras -

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 2  

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Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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