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Airline Bewertung Austrian Airlines Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  4.50
Check In -
Lounge -
Boarding 1.00
Gepäck 3.00
Pünktlichkeit 10.00
In der Luft  5.52
Sitzkomfort 8.00
Unterhaltung 5.00
Sauberkeit 6.00
Service 1.00
Speisen 10.00
Getränke 1.00
Toiletten 4.00
Extras 5.00
Sonstiges  5.00
Preis/Leistung 1.00
Sicherheitsempfinden 9.00

BANGKOK nach VIENNA  -  Economy Class

Austrian Airlines Economy Class Flugbewertung von HEH280203 wurde 2739 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Austrian Airlines Bangkok Vienna 10.2008 Economy Class OS26 777-200 18H

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In - Quick Check-In. Tried to Upgrade to Business Class, but it was fully booked. But Economy was quiet empty. Most people had one seat empty inbetween. The check-in was made by my thai airport attendent from \'The Oriental\' where I used to stay. Can\'t judge the check-in really as I did not understand a word they were saying... But the gentleman behind the counter seemed very friendly. 
Lounge -
Boarding 1 No \'Welcome Aboard\' or \'Good Evening\' upon approaching the plane. The flight attendent just looked at my ticket and showed that I shall take the second row. Everything without saying a word.
Gepäck 3 They broke one handle on my suitcase.
Pünktlichkeit 10 Left in time and arrived a bit prior to scheduled arrival time.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 8 Quiet good for economy. Big advantage was, that the plane was quiet empty in economy as mentioned above. 
Unterhaltung 5 No entertainment on demand. Air Newzealand has a far better system! It is impossible to figure out when what movie starts where.
Sauberkeit 6 Cabin was clean. Toilet was already a leaking point on the flight over in business class and was so on the flight back as well.
Service 1 Sorry to say so, but it was the worst! I have heared a total of two words by all flight attendents during the entire flight (11,5 hours!!!) which were: \'Ja?\' when they asked what main course I prefer and \'Tee?\' when they asked for coffee or tee. Not one other word was said! Never a \'please\' or \'thank you\'. I tried to force them to say at least once \'thank you\' or \'you are welcome\' by always being polite, forming full sentences and always ending with a \'please\' or a \'thank you\'. But not one flight attendent responded ever. This is shamefull! After having experienced a drill seargent already on my flight to Bangkok, I must confess that the cabin crews on both flights destroyed the beginning and the end of my vacation!
Speisen 10 By far the best catering I ever experienced in economy! Great job by Do&Co, Vienna!
Getränke 1 I do not know what they offer, as the flight attendents did not offer anything and were serving drinks only upon request!!! As they did only offer tea after the dinner (flight left Bangkok at 23:55) I assumed, that they did not want to serve coffein to make the passengers sleepy. But when I saw one flight attendent coming from business class with a tray full of the nice different coffees they serve in business class (outstanding coffee selection which is as huge and tastes like in a Viennese café!), I felt like a dumbass.
Toiletten 4 Toilet was already a leaking point on the flight over in business class and was so on the flight back as well.
Extras 5 Nothing fancy. As good or bad as on other airlines in economy-

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 1 I should get money to experience such a bad service. Paying EUR 500 per way is not really cheap. I honestly do not recommend Austrian for any future flights, as only the catering is worth it to fly with them. The seat, entertainment and especially the staff are far below average! 

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Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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