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Airline Bewertung Austrian Airlines Business Class Flug

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Am Boden  4.95
Check In 6.00
Lounge 4.00
Boarding 3.00
Gepäck 4.00
Pünktlichkeit 10.00
In der Luft  6.59
Sitzkomfort 6.00
Unterhaltung 5.00
Sauberkeit 8.00
Service 5.00
Speisen 10.00
Getränke 10.00
Toiletten 5.00
Extras 9.00
Sonstiges  7.00
Preis/Leistung -
Sicherheitsempfinden 9.00

INNSBRUCK nach BANGKOK  -  Business Class

Austrian Airlines Business Class Flugbewertung von HEH280203 wurde 3161 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Austrian Airlines Innsbruck Bangkok 10.2008 Business Class OS25 777-200 7A

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 6 Quick, but not too charming. Very basic, no smile. 
Lounge 4 Atmosphere reminded me on an IKEA store. Food and drinks are above average. Toilets were very dirty, toi-paper laying on the floor. Even after mentionign this to the attendent at the lounge enterance, nothing was done. Maybe because it was the last flight at nearly midnight. Ranking 4 only because of the good selection of drinks and food.
Boarding 3 Tiny little waiting lounge. Most people had to stand. I was asked to switch to another flight as the plane was overbooked. Flight next day via Frankfurt in Economy with only EUR 300 compensation. Just to remind: I had a business class ticket. Funny...\r\nNo announcement was made, that business class guest can board anytime or jump the line. I was lining up for 15 minutes to board the plane. Flight attendent at the plane door was stressed such was the welcome. Flight attendent who served the welcome drinks was the only human highlight I experienced on the flight to and from Bangkok! She served a \'typical Austrian aperitif\': Campari and Prosecco - we had a good laugh about this being typical Austrian.
Gepäck 4 My luggage was in the second half of all the luggage. No priority handling which I realized.
Pünktlichkeit 10 We left right in time and arrived even a couple of minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 6 Comfortable to chill and lounge. Nice idea to have the massage option. No flat bed what makes it difficult to sleep comfortable. 
Unterhaltung 5 No movies on demand even in business class. most airlines have better entertainment in economy.
Sauberkeit 8 Cabin was very clean upon boarding. Toilet was not clean during the last two hours before landing. No flight attendent took care of the toilets.
Service 5 The flight attendent who served the cocktails was luckily in charge of the area I was sitting in. She reminded me on my kindergarten-nanny. She was kind, friendly, had a geniouse smile and was attentive to details. The other ladies were as charming as a piece of iron. Except by the kind lady, I was never adressed in German even if this is my native language and I responded in German. They continued talking in English. When they served breakfast, I was not kindly asked to pull up my tray, but I was ordered to do so with the yelling word \'Tray!\' - no please, no thank you, no nothing. This flight attendent reminded me on a drill seargent at the army!
Speisen 10 Catering by DO&CO is outstanding! Better than first class catering on many other airlines
Getränke 10 Very nice wine selection. Great coffee menue - you think you are in a Viennese café
Toiletten 5 Very nice and clean in the beginning. Quiet dirty at the end and never cleaned inbetween.
Extras 9 Pillows and duvet (not only a regular blanket) of very good quality! Amenity kit quiet nice! I like the \'Sky Spa\'.

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung - Booked Economy online and upgraded with miles 

vorne-sitzen.de bietet Ihnen neben Top Angeboten noch mehr Informationen zu Sitz Konfigurationen wie
Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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