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Airline Bewertung Transavia Economy Class Flug

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Am Boden  1.80
Check In 1.00
Lounge 1.00
Boarding 1.00
Gepäck 5.00
Pünktlichkeit 1.00
In der Luft  3.61
Sitzkomfort 1.00
Unterhaltung 6.00
Sauberkeit 1.00
Service 5.00
Speisen -
Getränke -
Toiletten -
Extras -
Sonstiges  3.00
Preis/Leistung 1.00
Sicherheitsempfinden -

Never again  -  Economy Class

Transavia Economy Class Flugbewertung von Tania wurde 1598 mal gelesen

Airline von nach Datum Klasse Flugnr. Flugzeugtyp Sitzplatz
Transavia Amsterdam Pisa 08.2012 Economy Class HV5424 Boeing E10

Bewertung: Am Boden

Check-In 1 Due to very misleading information on the ticket, I thought I can take with me 2 suitcases for a total weight of 15 kg, instead of a big one of 20 kg. Not only I was forced to pay a fee (the first operator said it was 10 euros, but I actually paid 20 euros, mistakes made by customers are sanctioned, the ones made by the staff are welcome) but the first operator made a racist remark on Italians. The whole procedure lasted almost 2 hours (!!!) and, in the meanwhile, my mother, who is 60, was not allowed to seat down. Big surprise on the plane when I discovered that the other passengers have been allowed to take on the plane 2-3 suitcases. Rules on baggage are different if you are from Italy. Very sweet. 
Lounge 1 Not enough seats for all the passengers, and during the check in procedure no seats at all!
Boarding 1 Boarding process is slow, staff is uneffective.
Gepäck 5 By sheer coincidence I saw how the luggage was put on board: I can only say that the operator could be a great hammer thrower. \r\nThe delivery was fast? Yes, but when you payed 20 euros extra it is a sad consolation.
Pünktlichkeit 1 One hour of delay in our trip to Amsterdam, \'only\' 10 minutes on the way back.

Bewertung: In der Luft

Sitzkomfort 1 Seats are uncomfortable and in some cases even broken.  
Unterhaltung 6 If we can call entertainment the video on safety procedure, I must say it was quite an interesting video.
Sauberkeit 1 The palne was dirty, the smell coming out from the toilets was almost unbearable and it lasted the whole flight.
Service 5 Crew was busy trying to sell something and they did not even notice my mother was sick. They are fluent in Dutch, but someone speaks a very poor English, and, of course no Italian.
Speisen -
Getränke -
Toiletten -
Extras -

Bewertung: Sonstiges

Preis/Leistung 1 I paid 400 euros, plus the extra fee on baggage that magically went from 10 to twenty euros. Judging the service I received, definetely expensive.  

vorne-sitzen.de bietet Ihnen neben Top Angeboten noch mehr Informationen zu Sitz Konfigurationen wie
Sitzabstand, Sitzbreite, Neigungswinkel uvm. für Flüge in der First Class und Business Class.

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